Sunday, August 15, 2010

Why do my computers stop downloading?

i purchased something that i have to download. its a pretty big file 300mb. i tried to download it to the laptop but it would stop after 5%. i figured its because of the wireless connection so i tried the desktop but it stops also. my computers have been like this, when i try to download videos they would not get the whole thing. is it my internet connection? by the way i have dsl. thanks

Why do my computers stop downloading?internet

i think that you are not using any download manager... u might be downloading with the default manger in the browser. Try a download manager it would definitely solve the problem is a good site

you can also try Download Accelerator Plus (DAP).

Well, in wireless connectivityu tend to face such kind of problems.. good luck

Why do my computers stop downloading?network

i assume you have high speed connection. in that case, use a different browser, such as firefox or opera.
Make sure that your DSL provider does not prevent you from reaching your data limit.. ( most services dont have such restrictions)

Make sure you have enough room in your IE (temporary internet files) folder.. and you have sufficient disk space on your acive drive..

I Recommend you use something like

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