Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Im trying to hook up to computers to a cable modem box?

i am trying to hook up to computers a cable modem box - on the cable modem box it has an ethernet hook up and a usb,

im trying to hook 1 up to the ethernet and the other computer to the usb , i have them hooked up but the 1 of them wont get conneted, i can chk if i have an ip[ address it gives me one but wont go online, can someone help me

Im trying to hook up to computers to a cable modem box?vista

It depends on your router. For example, I have a MOTOROLA SBG900. It has 1 ethernet %26 1 usb. However, it doesn't allow for both of them to be used. It's either one or the other. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same for your modem brand. What you'll have to do is buy yourself a router with at least 4 ports. 1 port will go to your modem. The rest of the ports you can use for your pcs.

Im trying to hook up to computers to a cable modem box?antispyware

you can't do this.

you need to buy a router to share the cable internet connection with the two computers.

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